Romance Anthology
“The Crayon Heart” by E.A. Schweitzer
“Spirited Encounters: Meeting the Parents” by Steve Higgins and Chistina “Steenz” Stewart
“Webcomics Prom” by Dan Ciurczak, Julian [JR] Robinson, and Stef Yoshimura
“True Romance Is…” by Sam and Noah Washburn
“The Twisted Tale of Tickle Me Elmo” by Jon Socrfina and Mike Harvey
“Inside Iggy’s Comic Box” by Jon Socrfina and Stephanie Main
“Heart Taker” by Aaron James Ford
“For the Love of the Eighth Born Daughter” by Jonathan J. Norfleet and Benjamin Sawyer
“Hel Hath No Fury” by Brent Mueller and Ellis Ray III
“V-Day” by Joe Wills
“The Pop Star & the Supermodel” by Anthony Mathenia and Sergio Tarquini
“The Great Pretender” by Jim Ousley, Oscar Madrid, and Benjamin Sawyer
“How to Get a First Date in 17 Simple Steps” by Jenni Byrne-Mosley and Jim Mosley
“Closing Time” by Steve Higgins and Caitlin Touchton
“Smitten (with a) Kitten” by Erin Jameson and Richard Thomas Basey
“Select, Start” by Caleb and Benjamin Sawyer
“Digital Love” by Tabby Freeman
“Breathe” by Chistina “Steenz” Stewart
Cover by Adam Davenport
Flip Cover by Brian Atkins
Title Page Illustration by Bryan Ward
Standard Sized Trade Paperback
Black & White
Page Count: 106
Who will win the Princess’ hand in marriage? The answer may surprise you. The Prom Night Makeover you’d never expect! Will Jack’s private secret get their love in the end? Can you base an entire relationship on playing games?
In a signally roundabout fashion, dear reader, that brings us to On the Rocks, the anthology of romance comics you now hold, whose contents range from the tawdry to the tender, from broken hymens to broken hearts. With luck, all jest aside, those contents speak for themselves—so, as someone once said, let’s get busy, shall we?