Horror Anthology
“There’s a Dead Girl in My Chest” by Jim Ousley and Ben Sawyer
“Wanton Destruction on a Monstrous Scale” by Steve Higgins and Carlos Gabriel Ruiz
“Back Bedroom” by Ronald Montgomery, James Giar, and Jeff McClelland
“Rose” by Marie Enger
“Cherokee Street Ghost Stories” by Maggie Thurston
“Annihilate” by Brandon Daniels and Sam Boven
“Homeward” by Kevin Taylor
“Not Again “ by D.S. Williams, Darren Tracy and Brandon Daniels
“Bloodsport“ by Steve Higgins,
Jim Mosley and Jason Green
“House of B-Horrors” by Shawn Harrington and Brandon Daniels
“Draw Blood” by Jason Green, E.A. Schweitzer and Greg McCrary
“The Blade of Ma’at ” by Steve Higgins and Chris Sagovac
“Love in a Bottle” by Carlos Gabriel Ruiz and Brandon Daniels
“In Your Dreams” by Jonathan J. Norfleet and Mike Harvey
“Fort Washita” by Sam Washburn
“Not the First” by Marie Enger
Cover by Adam Davenport
Back cover by Kyle Morton
Title Page Illustration by Bryan Ward
Pinup by Jim Mosley
Standard Sized Trade Paperback
Full Color
Page Count: 124
13 — A number believed by many to be a harbinger of bad tidings and ill omens. It is no coincidence then that this 13th anthology from Ink and Drink Comics is a collection of tales featuring supernatural specters and monstrous behemoths which will send chills down your spine and make you shriek in terror! So, eerie dearies, we invite you to again open our creaking cover and settle down to read these sixteen scintillating tales under the light of the full moon, for we know that a little Hair of the Dog will leave you howling with delight!