War Anthology
“The Devils of Camarón” by Scott R. Schmidt and Aapo Kukko
“Fire Flight” by Carlos Gabriel Ruiz and Adam Davenport
“The Rear-Guard” by Steve Higgins and Richard Thomas Basey
“The Outcasts: The Fall” by Joseph Wills and Benjamin Sawyer
“Mallaithe” by m.ENGER
“The Face” by E.A. Schweitzer
“Half-Remembered Histories: The Roman Army!” by Sam and Noah Washburn
“Flotsam” by Robert Armbrister
“Watch Your Flank!” by Jason Green and Joe Costello
“Detroit Rock Soldiers” by Jim Ousley, Oscar Madrid, and Aaron James Ford
“Blazing Diarrhea!” by Scott Quick
“The Last of the Fishmen!” by Scott R. Schmidt and Brian Atkins
“New Frontier: General Wanyudo’s Secret Weapon” by Jonathan J. Norfleet and Benjamin Sawyer
“Blood in the Trenches” by Joshua Taylor and Jim Mosley
“Run” by Carlos Gabriel Ruiz
Cover by Adam Davenport
Back Cover by Carlos Gabriel Ruiz
Title Page Illustration by Bryan Ward
Standard Sized Trade Paperback
Black & White
Page Count: 96
ATTENTION! Do you maggots think you have what it takes to stand with the French Foreign Legion when all odds are against you or to dig deep into the trenches of World War I and not lose your nerve? Could you keep a cool head when caught in an aerial dogfight or pinned down by a sniper on the streets of Baghdad? If you think you’ve got the guts to face down enemies as varied as punks, a Roman legion, or the hosts of heaven, and are brave enough to fight on battlefields as sundry as alien landscapes or the halls of a high school, then crack open the pages of this field guide to all things WAR. And if you still think you’re cut out for this kind of life after reading these fifteen tales of blood and glory, then FALL IN!