Robots Robots Robots
“Everyday Future Problems” by Sam and Noah Washburn
“Robo Gigante Emo Alien” by Jason Green and Jim Mosley
“Robot Roulette: Gort in Robocop” by Steve Higgins and Robert Armbrister
“101101” by Aaron James Ford
“Robot Roulette: Data in Small Wonder” by Steve Higgins and M. Enger
“I Dream of Mecha” by Benjamin Sawyer
“Robot Rock” by Joshua Taylor and Christina “Steenz” Stewart
“Robot Roulette: ED-209 in Pee-Wee’s Playhouse” by Steve Higgins and Eunice Shaw
“You Can’t Fix Evil” by Elizabeth Schweitzer
“Robot Roulette: K-9 in Lost in Space” by Steve Higgins and Eunice Shaw
“Killer Robots From the Future Sent Back in Time to Destroy Humanity” by Carlos Gabriel Ruiz
“Diversion” by Bryan A. Hollerbach
Cover by Benjamin Sawyer
Title Page Illustration by Carlos Gabriel Ruiz
Minicomic Sized
Black & White
Page Count: 20